How To Repair A GE Gas Dryer That Has No Heat

Below is a video on How To Repair A GE Gas Dryer That Has No Heat

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Today we will be showing you how to repair a GE gas dryer that has no heat or that is not heating up or producing any heat. The two things 99% of the time that cause this are the igniter and the coils. We took this one a part already and know that the igniter is broken. We went to the local supplier to get the right igniter and a set of coils but they didn’t have the coils in stock. So we will walk/ talk you through changing the coils. I recommend replacing them both at the same time. We will put install the coils and also new drum slides when they come in but we wanted to get the dryer back up and running.


Some other things to check before making the leap that it needs a new igniter are to make sure that the drum spins. If it doesn’t you will want to check your door switch or the belt. As either of those will cause the drum not to spin and thus in turn make the dryer not produce any heat. So if your drum turns/ spins then it is going to be the igniter or the coils. Also if your on propane ensure that you have gas in the tank and don’t rely on the gauge being accurate.


Some dryers have a sight hole in the front panel. If yours does we can bend down and look into it and have someone hit the start button on the dryer. Now if you see a red glow that is from the igniter that most likely means that the igniter is ok and not broken although sometimes it doesn’t have the correct resistance to open the gas valve. If you see the glow you could replace the coils and see if that fixes it. If you do not see a red glow when looking into the sight hole then the igniter is most likely broken and needs to be replaced. But like I said I like to replace both as it much easier to replace both when you have it open the first time.


So the first thing we need to do is shut the gas off going to the dryer. Next we can unplug the dryer from the wall socket. Once we have the gas off and the dryer unplugged we can grab a phillips screwdriver and open the dryer door. If you look upward inside the dryer door you will see some phillips screws in there. This one has 2 screws so well take that screwdriver and remove them.


Once we have those screws removed we can lift the top of the dryer and look towards the front of it with the dryer. You will see either two phillips screws or tow 5/16 nut driver screws that hold the front panel of the dryer to the dryer housing. Well grab the phillips screwdriver or the 5/16 nut driver and remove them. Once we have them removed we can lower to top of the washer and grab the top of the front panel and lift it slightly and pull it towards you and then swing it out of the way. You will want to swing it the way the door switch and light bulb wiring is on.


Once we have the front panel of the dryer out of the way it’s a good time to grab a vacuum and clean the dryer door and also the bottom pan within the dryer to remove the lint and reduce the risk of a fire. With that done you will also want to inspect the drum sliders to ensure they have a good amount of life left on them. These need replacing as you can see but well replace them along with the coils when they come in.


Next we can go down to the gas valve and locate the coils. They are the small black circle things on top of the gas valve. So we’ll walk you though replacing them. The first thing is undo the wiring going to each of the coils. The next thing is to grab a short or stubby phillips screwdriver and you will need to remove the two phillips screws from the bracket that goes on top of the coils holding them in place. Once the bracket is removed we can slide the coils up and off note which one was where and the new ones will have to match up and go back in the same spot. There is also a hole in the top of the bracket that will align with the pin in the coils also helping you put them in the right spot.


Once you have the old coils removed you can unpackage your new ones and slide them on the pin. Making sure the 3 pin one is closer to you and the 2 pin one is in the back. Next you can reinstall the bracket and reinstall the two phillips screws to hold it in position. Once we have the bracket reinstalled we can reconnect the wires that go to the coils. So with the wires connected to the coils that’s it for replacing the coils.


Next we can move onto replacing the igniter. So depending on which style dryer gas valve you have sometimes there is a brass union right next to the gas valve that you can undo and then remove the two phillips screws that hold the gas valve to the dryer base. Once you have those screws removed we can undo the wiring for the coils and the connection for the igniter and then lift and pull back and turn the gas valve to the right and pull it through the hole in the front of the dryer. Once you have it out you can remove the screw that holds the igniter to the gas valve stand. Once you have the screw removed you can pull the top of the igniter outwards and the downwards to remove it. With the old igniter removed we can grab the new one and reinstall it by aligning the bottom and then putting the top pin into the gas valve stand and then reinstall the phillips screw to hold the igniter in position.


Now if your gas valve doesn’t have the brass union like this one we will want to disconnect the gas line off the back of the dryer. Once we have the gas line removed then remove the two phillips screws that hold the gas valve to the dryer base. Once you have those screws removed we can then lift and pull back and turn the gas valve to the left so we can get at the igniter. Next we can remove the screw that holds the igniter to the gas valve stand. Once you have the screw removed you can pull the top of the igniter outwards and the downwards to remove it. With the old igniter removed we can grab the new one and reinstall it by aligning the bottom and then putting the top pin into the gas valve stand and then reinstall the phillips screw to hold the igniter in position. Be sure to NOT touch the grey/ black part of the igniter as the oils from your hands or fingers will greatly reduce its life.


With the new igniter installed we can reinstall the gas valve. If you were able to remove yours be careful getting back into the dryer and be sure not to bump the igniter as you could easily break it. We’ll take the gas valve and get the front tabs where they need to be and align the back some the screw holes line up. With the holes lined up we can reinstall the two phillips screws to hold the gas valve to the dryer base. Once we have the gas valve back in position we can now reconnect our wiring to the coils and the new igniter.


Once we have the wiring reconnected we can now put the dryer back together. Well start by putting the front cover back on. Be sure to check your door wiring to ensure it didn’t become unplugged. You will need to lift the drum up so it will go onto the front drum bearing. Once you have the front cover in position you can reinstall the two phillips screws or 5/16 screws to hold it to the dryer frame. Once the front panel is in position we can lower the top cover and make sure its sitting flat and then open the dryer door and reinstall the two phillips screws to hold down the top cover.


With those two phillips screws in we can now turn the gas back on and plug the dryer into the wall socket/ plug. Once you have the gas on and the dryer plugged in we can press the start button and test it. As you can see by me putting the phone up to the sight hole you can see the igniter turn or glow red and ignite the gas. It might take a second as you need to get the air out of the line. So now this dryer is back up and running and producing heat.


That’s it we have just shown you how to repair a GE gas dryer that has no heat.







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