Below Is A Video On How To Replace Rear Shocks On A Nissan Sentra
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Today we will be showing you how to replace rear shocks on a nissan sentra. We are going to be showing you on a 2007 nissan sentra. We are going to be using a lift and air tools since we have access to them but this repair is easy enough to do in your driveway and with hand tools.
So is you were to do this repair in your driveway you are going to need a floor jack, jack stands
and a block of wood. To get started we can jack the back of the car up and place the jack stands under the car to ensure it can’t fall on top of you. With the car up in the air we can locate the rear shocks. You will notice that they are held in by two bolts. One at the top and one at the bottom. It is a good idea to spray the bolts down with some PB blaster
or kroil to help loosen them up since the will be rusty from the road treatments.
Next we are going to need a ½ ratchet or breaker bar and a 11/16 socket and a 11/16 wrench to loosen the bottom bolt. You the ratchet and the socket to loosen the nut side while using the wrench to hold the bolt head so it won’t spin. Once loose we can remove the washer and the nut. With the lower nut removed we can remove the top bolt. For this you will 1/2-inch drive ratchet
or breaker bar and a ⅝ socket to loosen it. Once we have it loose we can use the ½ ratchet and socket. We are going to use our ⅜ air ratchet to loosen it. Once we have the bolt loose you may need to use a block under the tire and lower the car onto it to take the tension on the shock.
So with the car lowered a bit now we can grab the bolt by hand or with a pair of channellock pliers and remove the bolt. With that bolt removed we can compress the shock and swing it out and remove it off the lower bolt. Take note on the way the bottom of the shock looks as we need to install the new shock the same way. So we can un-package our new shock and face the shim towards the head of the bolt and slide it on. Next we can slide the washer on and then start the nut by hand. It may be a good idea to use some anti-seize
on all the bolts so if you have to replace them again it will make it easier. Next we can compress the shock and align it with the top hole. Note the top of the shock rotates.
Once we have the top of the shock aligned we can slide the bolt back in and start it by hand. Once we have it started we can take our ratchet and socket and snug it down. We are going to use our 3/8-inch air ratchet and ⅝ socket. Once we have it almost tight we can finish tightening it with our breaker bar and ⅝ socket. Once we have the top bolt tightened we can grab the ½ ratchet and a 11/16 socket and wrench and tighten the bottom bolt for the shock. Once we have the bottom bolt tight that’s it for replacing the passenger side next we can move onto replacing the driver’s side.
The driver’s side will be almost the same the only difference we be that the top bolt will be above the exhaust and heat shield which will make it a little more difficult. To start the driver’s side we can grab the ½ ratchet and 11/16 socket and loosen the lower bolt. Once the nut is loose we can remove the nut and the washer. Once the bottom nut is off we can move on to remove the top bolt. For this you will need the breaker bar, 1/2″ swivel adapters, 2” extension and ⅝ short socket. Once we have cracked the top bolt loose then we can switch over to the ½ rachet and ⅝ socket and loosen it the rest of the way. Now to get it out you may need to lower the car onto the block to take the tension off the shock.
So with the car lowered onto the block we can grab the bolt by hand or with a pair of channellock pliers and remove it. With that bolt removed we can compress the shock and swing it out and remove it off the lower bolt. Take note on the way the bottom of the shock looks as we need to install the new shock the same way. So we can unpackage our new shock and face the shim towards the head of the bolt and slide it on. Next we can slide the washer on and then start the nut by hand. Next we can compress the shock and align it with the top hole. Note the top of the shock rotates to allow you to align it up.
Once we have the top of the shock aligned we can slide the bolt back in and start it by hand. Next we can take our ratchet and socket and snug it down. We are going to use our ⅜ air ratchet and ⅝ socket. Once we have it almost tight we can finish tightening it with our breaker bar and ⅝ socket. Once we have the top bolt tightened we can grab the ½ ratchet and a 11/16 socket and wrench and tighten the bottom bolt for the shock. Once we have the bottom bolt tight that’s it for replacing the driver’s side
So With both shocks installed and the four bolts tight that’s it we have just showed you how to replace rear shocks on a nissan sentra.
Very good video, Made doing my shocks really easy. After doing them I now have a noise on the driver side when I hit a bump. It’s more of a bang not a squeak. Do you think it matter how tight I got the top bolt? Noise wasn’t there with the old shocks.
Thank you. Glad we could help. It could be that the bolt is a little loose. You want them fairly tight as when you tight the bolts it squeezes down on the shock mount making sure it can’t move. Also be sure to make sure you have the shim/ washer facing the right way on the lower shock mount.
awesome write up & video! have you done one for the front shocks yet?
about to change mine & would love some insight. thanks!!
Yes, I have and did film some of it but camera died somewhere in the middle of doing it. If your experienced I would say go for it if not I wouldn’t as you need to remove the windshield wipers and the top Cowell to get to the top strut bolts.