Below is a video on how to program your older Subaru keyless entry fob/ remote.
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Today we will be showing you how to program your older Subaru keyless entry fob/ remote. We are doing this on a 2000 outback. This will also work for Subaru Outback & Legacy 1999-2004, Forester 2001-2004 and the Impreza 2002-2004.
There are two different fobs/ remotes there are ones that have gray buttons 1999-2001 and there are ones with colored buttons
2002-2004. I know you can program the newer fobs/ remotes to an older car like we are doing today. We are using a 2002-2004 remote on this 2000 Outback.
First we will enter the vehicle and sit in the driver’s seat. With all the doors and lift gate or trunk closed and in the unlocked position.
To start programming we are going to open and close the driver’s door ONE time.
Once you close the door we will now put the key in the ignition and turn it from the OFF position to the ON position and then back to the OFF position TEN (10) times. We do NOT want to start the car just turn it to the ON position so the dash lights come on.
After the tenth time if we did it correctly and within the allotted time you should hear the horn beep one (1) time.
Once we hear the horn beep we can open and close the driver’s door one (1) time.
Once the door closes we can push any button on the remote/ fob. After you press the button on the fob you should hear the horn beep two (2) times.
If you want to program additional/ multiple remotes/ fobs just open and close the driver’s door and press a button on the next fob to be programmed. You can have up to 4 remotes programmed.
Once you are done programming your remote/ fob you can remove the key from the ignition where you should hear the horn beep three (3) times.
We will wait a little bit after we hear the three beeps of the horn before we test the remote. After a minute or two we can test the remote. So we can press the lock button on the remote/ fob. It should lock the door and activate the alarm system. Next we can press unlock and it should disarm the alarm and unlock the driver’s door. If we press unlock again it should unlock the rest of the doors and the trunk.
That’s it we have just showed you how to program your older Subaru keyless entry remote/ fob
*NOTE* If you press BOTH buttons on the remote at the same time for a few seconds you can either turn on or off the beep/ chirp of the horn when you lock or unlock the doors.
Very good very very good!!!
This worked great on my Subaru Forrester 2001 new remote!
Thanks for the help as the replacement remote came with no instructions
Great glad to hear. Ya some sellers of the the fobs don’t include instructions for some reason. Glad you found our video. Thanks for watching.
How did you lift the black 2000 outback? Sits good.
I made a custom lift kit for it. This one has a 3″ lift on it running a 235/75/15 tire. I am currently working on building another lifted Subaru. If the following link you will see what a lift kit for a Subaru looks like starting on page 2.
Quick question: everywhere I’ve seen says the computer for my 2007 Outback can take up to four programmed keys/fobs. What happens if you use all those up? I’m thinking about getting a spare fob, since we only have the one we got with the car when we bought it used. But since it is a used car, we’ve got no way of knowing how many of those slots may have been used prior to our purchasing it. Do they just start overwriting old keys? (I don’t want to accidentally overwrite one we’re using.) Or do you have to go to the dealer to get a space cleared?
Yes there are four slots to hold fob codes. If you want to ensure no one else has an old fob that may open your car. You can program your working remote in 4 times to take up all slots. If you have 2 remotes you can program each fob 2 times to take up the 4 slots. If your current remote stops working just reenter the fob numbers in and reprogram it.
Just bought 2000 outback, no fobs. Does this work without a working fob?
Yes, You do not need a to have a working fob to program a new one.
Hi, I have Subaru Forester 2008 (Australia), and the 2 remotes are not working or playing up, how can I reprogram the 2 remotes. Thanks.
Hello, This is for an older year Subaru. You need to do this procedure to get the remotes programmed.
Where did you get the key fob? is it aftermarket?
I got this one off Amazon. There is a link to them right at the top for both colored button remotes. You can also find them on Ebay as well. Just be careful getting them used as sometimes they don’t work.
thanks for the great tutorial! hilariously, if you program a key fob formerly to another car, it still works on that car… just in case anyone wanted to know. I drove around the corner to reprogram a fob from my 2004 forester to a 2002 outback (success!) and when I got back I was surprised to find that it was unlocking and locking both!!!
You’re welcome, Glad we could help. Yes the remote/ fob will work with both cars. In order to make it stop working with the 2004 forester you will have to reenter the codes for the remotes that you are still using with the 2004 Forester into the forester to push that other fobs code out. There are four slots. So its best to fill all slots with the fobs you are using. So if you have 2 remotes you would enter each code twice to take up the four slots. If you had only one working remote enter that code in four times to take up all slots and push the fob that is now programmed to the 2002 outback. Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave us a comment.
Hi there and thanks for the instruction. I have a – 99/2000 Subaru Legacy Outback and for some reason it doesn’t make any beep after turning the key to on/off for 10 times and does not recognise the remote either. I tried doing exactly as you did on the video, no dice.
Any ideas what might be wrong? I do have one working remote but I was trying to program a second one.
Most of the time people have a hard time getting the key turned off and on 10 times within the time limit.. I have found a few cars that the horn wont beep or make a sound. So go though the whole process and then check and see if the remote works. Also make sure the battery in the remote is good. Also check the date code within the door to ensure it is a later year 1999. There were some early year 1999 that still had the 1998 security/ keyless entry systems.
I’ve done this on a 04 forester it works great. but on mine I get the 1 beep of the horn then it does the 3 beeps before I can do anything. help
Check to see if the car is in valet mode as that seems to be a problem when trying to program a key fob.
Here is my 2003 Baja bought new 187k runs Lila a top. Thank Youfor the FOB Info. Jim
It looks good. If you keep up with the timing belt and water pump and an eye on the head gaskets it will last forever. You’re welcome, Glad we could help. Thanks for taking the time to leave us a comment and for watching. Be sure to give the video a thumbs up / like. Thanks
2001 Outback VDC. The car didn’t beep at all, but when I got through with the procedure using the original remote (2 gray buttons) that came with the car, it worked! Had disconnected the battery to do work so I had to reprogram. Thank you!
Some cars do not beep or honk the horn but at the end the remotes still end up working. You’re welcome, Glad we could help you get your remote programmed. Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave us a comment. Don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up if you haven’t already. Thanks
Thank you! Just wondering if this will work on a 1998 Liberty?
You’re welcome. To be honest I’m not sure about the Liberty if its not this way then it will the newer method like this I guess try it and let us know which way ends up working for you. Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave us a comment and good luck with getting the fob programmed.
Your DIY guy after looking at more than 10 how twos on my iPhone about how to reprogram your key fob yours was the absolute best. I did use your instructions before but for some reason lost it and couldn’t find itNow I have you on my contacts do you happen to have a video to turn off that pesky security blinking light in your car I tried and tried but couldn’t do it thank you so much I love it.
This pretty much saved my sanity THANK YOU SO MUCH!