Below is a video on how to replace a toilet fill valve.
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Today we will be showing you how replace a toilet fill valve. First remove the lid off the toilet tank and set it aside. Next you will need to shut off the valve that supplies water to the toilet
. When you have the valve off you will need to hold down the toilet handle
so you can remove as much water as you can from the toilet tank.
Next grab a small bucket and place it under the supply line. Once your bucket is under the supply line you can use a pair of channellock pliers
to remove loosen the nuts on the bottom and the top of the supply line. Once you have the top and bottom nuts loose you can remove the supply line by wiggling it.
Make sure your bucket or bowl is under the fill valve. With the supply line removed we can take the same pair of channellock pliers
and remove the nut from the bottom of the fill valve. Keep in mind depending on your brand of your toilet there could still be a decent amount of water left in the toilet tank. When removing the nut you can press down on the fill valve to keep water from leaking out of the tank. You can use this method if the amount of water left in your tank will overfill your bucket giving you time to empty it.
Next remove the hose going into the overflow tube. Once the hose is disconnected we can remove the old fill valve from the toilet tank. With the fill valve removed you will want to take a paper towel or rag and wipe clean the area where the new gasket for the fill valve will seat as sometimes there is sand or other foreign materials that could cause it to leak.
Next you can open the new fluidmaster fill valve. You will notice that there are numbers on the lower, skinnier tube. Most toilets seem to be around the number 10 or 11 setting. So to set this you need to slide the collar up and then pull the lower tube down until you see the number 10 or 11. Next slide the collar back down to lock it in position. Next you will need to remove the middle part from the inside of the rubber gasket/ washer as it is used to seal the supply line depending on what supply line you get this may or may not be needed. Next place the gasket onto the bottom of the fluidmaster so that the flat surfaces are together.
With the gasket on the fluidmaster we can drop it into the hole in the tank. Once it is in position we can then install the new nut. Once you have the nut snugged down we can now hook up the new supply line
top and bottom. The top of the supply line should be hand tight and use that same pair of channel locks to tighten the lower part of the supply line. Once the riser is connected and tight we can now grab the small rubber hose and the adapter for the over flow tube. You will need to trim the rubber hose with a utility knife
so the hose will reach from the fill valve to the over flow tube adapter. Once trimmed slide the hose onto the adapter and then clip the adapter onto the over flow tube making sure the part where the water exits to fill the bowl is directly over the tube. With the adapter in position connect the other end of the rubber hose onto the fill valve
With the rubber hose connected to the adapter and the other end on the fill valve we can now turn the valve on slowly. Now with the tank full of water you may need to adjust the level of the water in the tank. It should be an inch or so below the overflow tube. You can adjust it by turning the screw on the fill valve counter clockwise. After adjusting it you will need to either flush the toilet or hold the handle down just a little bit to allow water to leave the tank that way it can refill to recheck the level. Adjust it till you get it so it is an inch or so below the overflow tube. Once you have the water level adjusted you can place the cover back on the tank.
Next check for any leaks If there are no leaks that is it you have just replaced your toilet fill valve.