Below is a video on changing the hydraulic fluid, front and rear differential fluid, filters and the fuel filter on your Kubota 2920 tractor.
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Today we will be doing/ showing you steps to do the first service or your 50 hour service on a Kubota 2920 tractor. This is the second part of the service which will include changing the hydraulic fluid, front and rear differential fluid, filters and the fuel filter.
There are three drain plugs one near the belly mount PTO and one on each of the side of the final drive left and right. First grab a oil drain pan and we will start by draining the one near the belly mount PTO use a seventeen millimeter wrench and remove the drain plug. Next move the pan so it is also under the filter. Once the pan is in position use a oil filter wrench
and loosen and remove the filter. Once you have that filter off you can move the drain pan so it is under the filter on the other side. Once you have the pan in position you can use the filter wrench and loosen and remove that filter. Next fill the new filters with hydraulic fluid
. Next reinstall the shorter of the two filters (left side) is the Next reinstall the shorter of the two filters (left side) is the hydrostatic filter
(HH670 37710). Tighten it snug to the block and then give it one and a quarter more turn. Next reinstall the longer one (right side) is the hydraulic system filter
(HH330-82630) . Tighten it snug to the block and then give it three fifths of a turn more. Next reinstall the drain plug. Once the drain plug is tight we will empty the drain pan. Once the drain pan is empty we will move back and remove the drain plugs on each of the final drives. Once drained we can reinstall the drain plugs and check the filters and the front drain plug. Next we can move onto refilling the system with the Kubota super UDT2
hydraulic fluid the system holds four gallons. Lift the seat and locate the fill plug and remove it and insert a clean funnel. We will Pour in three and ½ gallons and then we will move the tractor back and forth and then check the level and add until it reaches the full mark. The dip stick is located next to the front of the seat near the bucket control.
Next we will move onto the checking/ replacing the fuel filter. Grab the filter and unscrew it from the housing. Next remove the two o-rings from the top of the filter and hook tool works good for that. Next grab a set of angled nose pliers
and grab the white part of the filter and pull and wiggle it out of the sediment bowl. Once it’s separated you can clean out the sediment bowl. Once the bowl is clean we can install the new fuel filter you need to match up the four notches on the filter with the sediment bowl. You should be able to squeeze it and lock it in. Once locked into place reinstall the two o-rings. With the o-rings reinstalled we can reinstall the filter assembly back onto the tractor.
Next we will move onto the front differential fluid. First support the tractor with a jack stand and then remove the wheels from both the left and right side. There is a drain plug on each knuckle left and right on the bottom of it. The fill is on the left side. You can use the Kubota super UDT2
fluid or 80W90 gear lubricant
. Tip the axle towards the side you are draining. Next place your pan under the drain plug once the pan is in place grab a fourteen millimeter socket and a ratchet and remove the drain plug also pull the fill cover/ dipstick that way air can get in as it is draining. The front diff holds about three and a half quarts. Once you have finished draining one side reinstall the drain plug and repeat the process on the other side. Once you have both sides drained and the drain plugs reinstalled it is time to refill it. The system holds three and half quarts. You can use the Kubota super UDT2
fluid or the 80W90 gear lubricant
. First tip the axle so that the fill side is higher. Place a clean funnel
into the fill hole. Put in three quarts. Next reinstall both wheels and torque them. Next remove the jack stand and lower the tractor back onto the ground. Once back on the ground slow add and check until you reach the full mark on the fill dip stick making sure the dip stick goes all the way in. While it is in the shop we will also take our grease gun
and hit the fittings up front on the bucket and also grease the three point hitch in the back.
That’s it you have just changed the hydraulic fluid, front and rear differential fluid, filters and the fuel filter and that completes the second part of your Kubota 2920 tractors service or your 50 hour service. In the first tractor service video we have already changed the oil, oil filter and replace the air filter. Thank you to the guys at for lending us there tractor and letting us perform the first service on it. Click Here to see the first part of service on your Kubota tractor.