Below is a video on how to remove, clean, lubricate and reinstall a versa grate motor on a St. Croix pellet stove.
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Here we Here we have a St. Croix pellet stove. This one is a fireplace insert. Well be showing you How to remove, clean, lubricate and reinstall the versa grate motor. First thing to do is make sure your stove is unplugged. It is a good idea to do this before reinstalling your auger motor
Next we will follow the two leads that power the motor. We will label them with colored electrical tape and disconnect them. That will help us later to properly reconnect them.
Next we will take a 1/4″ ratchet and a ¼” socket and we will remove the two ¼ inch screws that hold the versa grate motor bracket to the pellet stove frame. Once those two ¼”screws are removed we can now move it to the left to make it easier to get at the four bolts that hold the motor to the bracket. Next take that ¼” ratchet with a 5/16 short socket and remove the top two bolts. After removing the top two bolts it is easier to use a 1/4″ long extension
and slide it in from the right side to remove the two bottom bolts. To remove the motor you will have to hold the bracket towards the rear of the stove while pushing the shaft towards the front of the stove. Doing this will allow the cam to align with the hole in the bracket letting you remove the motor.
Once you have removed the motor we can now clean it. First we will take an air compressor and blow off what you can. Next take a degreaser
and spray it onto a rag
and wipe off the heavier stuff. Once you have the motor cleaned we can now lubricate it with 3-IN-ONE Oil
Once the motor is cleaned and lubricated we can move onto cleaning the stove side. First we will take a Shop-Vac and vacuum up the bigger debris and loose pellets. Next take a degreaser and spray it onto a rag and wipe off the heavier stuff. When your done degreasing it check the horseshoe bracket to make sure its smooth as that is where the cam moves. If there are any burrs you will want to take a piece of scotch-brite
or sand paper and sand it down so it’s smooth. Once the horseshoe piece clean and smooth we can now lubricate it for this you can use CRC dry graphite lube
you can also spray the cam on the motor with it.
Next we can work on reinstalling the motor. You want to make sure the dimple is towards the back of the stove. You will need to put the cam though the bracket and then push the shaft towards the front of the stove. Doing this will allow the cam to go between the horseshoe bracket and allow it to work properly. Once you have the motor installed and the cam in between the horseshoe bracket you can now start the four 5/16 bolts that hold the motor to the bracket. Next we will take the ratchet and that long ¼” extension to tighten the bottom bolts first. Next use just the ratchet and socket to tighten the top to bolts. With those four 5/16 bolts tight we will start the two ¼” bolts that hold the motor bracket to the pellet stove frame then tighten them down with the ratchet and a ¼” socket. Next take the two leads that power the motor run them behind the room fan and reconnect them.
That’s it, you just remove, clean, lubricate and reinstall a versa grate motor on your pellet stove.