Below is a video on How To Reset The Oil Life On A Toyota Sienna
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Today we will be showing you how to reset the oil life on a Toyota Sienna. We will be showing you the procedure for the 2004-2010 models and the 2011-2016 years. They are two different methods for those years.
2004-2010 BELOW
First we’ll show you the 2004 to the 2010 year Toyota Sienna’s method. Well need to take the key and put it into the ignition and turn it to the ON position we don’t want to start the car we just want the dash lights to come on. Now that we have the dash lights on we can locate the trip odometer button. Well push that until we have the odometer reading showing or ODO in the mileage display area.
Once we have our odometer reading showing we can now turn the key to the off position. Once we have the key in the off position we can now press and HOLD DOWN the odometer button down and then turn the key to the ON position. You will see dash marks in the odometer display area and you will see them start at 5 and then go on down to 1. Once the last dash disappears you should see the odometer reading area turn to all zeros. Once you see that happen you can now let go/ release the odometer button.
And that will reset the oil life on a 2004-2010 Toyota Sienna.
2011-2016 BELOW
Now we’ll show you the 2011 to the 2016 year Toyota Sienna’s method. Well need to take the key and put it into the ignition and turn it to the ON position we don’t want to start the car we just want the dash lights to come on. If you have the push button start you will want to keep your foot OFF the brake and hit the start button twice to turn On the ignition. Now that we have the dash lights on we can locate the trip odometer button. Well push that until we have the TRIP A reading showing in the mileage display area.
Once we have our TRIP A reading showing we can now turn the key to the off position or press the start button once. Once we have the car ignition off position we can now press and HOLD DOWN the odometer button down and then turn the key to the ON position or press the start button twice with our foot OFF the brake. You will see the maintenance required light start to flash and see the center display start to display the maintenance required reset bar status. You will want to watch this bar and wait until it finishes and displays the word Complete.Then you can release the trip button. Your maintenance required light should go out at this time. But you can cycle the key off and then back on and start the car and the maintenance light should come on quickly and then go right out.
And that will reset the oil life on a 2011-2016 Toyota Sienna.
Last Way Through the NAV system
Next well tell you the last way on a Toyota Sienna with the Nav system. So you will want to turn the key to the on position or press the start button twice with our foot OFF the brake. Then we can look at the Nav system and on the lower left corner near the drivers side you will see a setup button well press that. Next you will press Vehicle on the display. Then click the maintenance button in the middle of the screen. Then you will want to click the engine oil button. Once you hit the engine oil button you will see the screen where you can click reset on the bottom left and then OK button. Another way to reset it is to click edit on the right hand side and hit the return arrow and then OK button.
That’s it we have shown you how to reset the oil life and get rid of the maintenance required light on a Toyota Sienna. We have shown you the procedure for the 2004-2010 models and the 2011-2016 years and how to do it through the Nav System.
If you need the Oil change video here is a link to it